Learning Program

Our Learning Program:

Our education program encompasses all grades beginning with preschool- at our Fair Lawn Campus – and follows the continuum to elementary, intermediate, middle, high school and transition years – after 12th grade through age 21 – at our Oakland Campus. CTC Academy comprehensive curriculum includes a full day school program and a full day extended school year program through the month of July.

We serve diverse learners with multiple and varying disabilities. The focus of our instruction program is to enhance students’ individual strengths while fostering innovative learning techniques that promote autonomy and success. Each student’s learning program, driven by his or her IEP (Individualized Education Program), is unique and collaboratively developed by the professional team of teachers, therapists in conjunction with the child’s parents or guardians.

Various research-based curricula are utilized throughout the instruction program. Lessons as well as learning goals are aligned with the common core and state approved core curriculum content standards. Effective evidence-based teaching strategies are implemented to support multi-sensory learning and a “process not product” philosophy. Assistive Technology is infused throughout the program as both a teaching method and a tool to increase and promote communication. Our creative education program reflects our commitment to ensure that each and every student reaches his or her fullest potential.

Curriculum Enhancement Opportunities:

Community Based Instruction Program: The Community Based Instruction (CBI) program is infused into our education curriculum beginning at our Middle School grade levels. The CBI program focuses on three domains: vocational- work skills and career exploration, community living- restaurants, shopping, etc., and recreational- bowling, parks, etc. Our CBI program allows our students to generalize skills from the classroom into “real life settings” and supports preparation for successful transitions into adulthood and community.

Adapted Physical Education Program: The physical education program provides experiences through adapted sports and physical activities fostering independence, communication and sportsmanship. Sport units reflect the NJ curriculum standards.

Ballet/Dance Program: The dance program is a therapeutically designed enrichment experience combining music, movement and socialization which encourages each student to perform to their greatest ability.

Let’s MOVE: The “Let’s MOVE” program is a collaborative effort by Teachers, Therapists and Teaching Assistants dedicated to providing a meaningful movement experience to students of all abilities.

Yoga:The Yoga program provides our students with an opportunity to ready themselves for learning while empowering them to be an active participant in their own growth and development. Yoga practice impacts improves or promotes strength, flexibility, tone, digestion, arousal, respiration, and overall sense of well-being.

Horticulture: The horticulture program provides students with hands on nature and gardening experiences. It follows an educational/therapeutic curriculum which supports science, math, language arts as well as pre-vocational skills.

Music Education: The music education program, within a music therapy framework, offers meaningful musical experiences through instruments, rhythm, singing, listening and performing to develop concepts and skills reflected in the NJ curriculum standards. It also enhances social, cognitive, communication and motor abilities.

Special Adaptive Swim: The adaptive swim program allows our students to work on gross motor skills in a pool setting. The water offers support to the entire body allowing our students to move more freely and easily while performing exercises and gross motor activities!

Therapeutic Riding: Therapeutic Riding, held at Pony Power Therapies, offers a unique opportunity to ride, care for and interact with horses. Riding helps participants to strengthen muscles and develop balance and motor control. Both riding and non-riding activities enhance individuals’ physical, social and emotional well-being in a safe, nurturing farm environment.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Equal Employment Opportunity At CTC Academy

CTC Academy affirms that inequality is detrimental to our staff, our students, and the families we serve. Our goal is to impact lasting change through our actions. We join together for equality and equity.

CTC Academy is committed to equal and bias-free student services and equal employment opportunities regardless of any protected characteristic, including race, color, genetic information, creed, national origin, religion, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, lawful alien status, ancestry, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, protected veteran status or political affiliation and will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of a disability. We support an inclusive workplace where staff excel based on personal merit, qualifications, experience, ability, and job performance.