CTC Academy’s Free Brunch & Learn Program at Fair Lawn Campus a Resounding Success

CTC Academy recently hosted a free, interactive Brunch & Learn program at its Fair Lawn Campus, designed for local early intervention professionals. Attendees enjoyed the opportunity to network over coffee and treats while engaging in hands-on exploration of AAC devices, pediatric positioning, and mobility equipment with CTC’s AAC specialists and Physical Therapy teams. The unique, interactive experience allowed participants to see firsthand how these resources can make a life-changing impact on early childhood development. The audience was highly engaged, asking numerous insightful questions throughout the presentations.

The event featured two expert presenters: Speech Language Pathologist and Assistive Technology Professional Diane Callari, and Physical Therapist Julia Bean.

Julia Bean opened the program with an interactive session showcasing several pieces of mobility equipment and their role in fostering early childhood development. With 11 years of experience and five years at CTC Academy, Julia carefully evaluates equipment for both CTC students and parents of children with special needs. Her presentation emphasized the importance of access to early mobility, highlighting equipment like the Rabbit Up Mobile Stander. “Access to early mobility is fundamental to children’s overall development, including cognition and communication,” Julia explained. “Mobility devices, such as the Rabbit Up, allow for peer interaction, community inclusion, and autonomy from a young age. We are fortunate to have access to many different types of early mobility equipment here at CTC.” Julia’s expertise was further recognized last year when she received a prestigious ASAH award. Learn more about her at https://bit.ly/ctcasahawards

Following a short break, Diane Callari delivered an insightful presentation on Eye Gaze Technology and Dynamic Display Communication Systems. With 30 years of experience and 24 years at CTC Academy, Diane shared her team’s success stories using these advanced AAC devices in therapy sessions with students as young as 24 months. “Augmentative and Alternative Communication is beneficial for children of all ages,” Diane said. “We are seeing incredible progress with high-tech AAC devices, even in toddlers.” Diane’s expertise extends beyond the classroom—she is a frequent presenter and was recently published in NJSHA’s Voices magazine. Read her article https://bit.ly/ctcvoices

The event was warmly welcomed by CTC Fair Lawn Principal Sue Brand, who introduced the presenters and facilitated networking opportunities among attendees during the break. Participants, including independent therapists, Valley Health staff members, and even a speech therapy undergraduate student, expressed their gratitude for the informative program and the chance to connect with like-minded professionals. To support The CTC Academy and its mission, visit ctcacademy.org Now enrolling! For more information, call (201) 612-5677

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act & Equal Employment Opportunity At CTC Academy

CTC Academy afrms that inequality is detrimental to our staff, our students, and the families we serve.

CTC Academy is committed to equal and bias-free student services and equal employment opportunities regardless of any protected characteristic, including race, color, genetic information, creed, national origin, religion, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, lawful alien status, ancestry, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, protected veteran status or political afliation and will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of a disability. We support an inclusive workplace where staff excel based on personal merit, qualications, experience, ability, and job performance.