In the News

Jon Bon Jovi Visits The CTC Academy in Oakland, NJ

Serving Students With Disabilities And Students That Are Medically Fragile [ Oakland, NJ, November 2, 2022] – It was not just another Friday afternoon last week at The David F. Bolger Campus of The CTC Academy in Oakland, NJ. We had a surprise visitor – rock star philanthropist Jon Bon Jovi (JBJ)! We kept the […]

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NJ Governor Phil Murphy Visits The CTC Academy!

Governor Phil Murphy tours The CTC Academy’s Oakland, NJ Campus! Education And Therapies For Students With Disabilities Ages 18 months through 21 years [Oakland, NJ] – The CTC Academy Board of Directors, staff and students were honored to host NJ Governor, Phil Murphy at their Oakland Campus February 7, 2023. Ambassador and CTC Graduate, Jonah […]

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CTC Academy’s Free Brunch & Learn Program at Fair Lawn Campus a Resounding Success

CTC Academy recently hosted a free, interactive Brunch & Learn program at its Fair Lawn Campus, designed for local early intervention professionals. Attendees enjoyed the opportunity to network over coffee and treats while engaging in hands-on exploration of AAC devices, pediatric positioning, and mobility equipment with CTC’s AAC specialists and Physical Therapy teams. The unique, […]

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CTC Academy Hosts Holiday Show and Donor Luncheon

Earlier this month, CTC Academy hosted its Holiday Show and Appreciation Luncheon to honor longtime supporters, including the New Jersey Elks Association and other major contributors. The event featured delightful performances by Ms. Danielle’s and Mr. Kyle’s classes, showcasing the students’ talents and spreading holiday cheer. Additionally, students from our S.T.E.P. program organized a Holiday […]

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CTC Academy thanks Anya McCray, OTD of Baylor University for her commitment to our students and staff

Fair Lawn, NJ, December 2024 Anya McCray, OTD of Baylor University (@baylor_ot) presented her capstone project Building Independence Together, an OT-led approach to training senior teaching assistants. This project reviewed current TA training provided by the OT department, identified additional training needs, and created interactive training modules which focused on self help and sensory processing […]

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Impact Artist Marco Santini’s Inspirational LOVE Murals at CTC Academy Oakland & Fair Lawn Campus

Oakland, NJ – November 8, 2024 – CTC Academy is thrilled to announce the creation of 2 new murals by renowned Impact Artist Marco Santini at its Oakland and Fair Lawn campuses. The mural in Oakland was painted on an exterior wall visible to students and staff arriving each day and to passersby on Bauer […]

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CTC Academy Celebrates Excellence in Education with ASAH Awards

CTC Academy proudly recognizes the dedication and accomplishments of its outstanding staff through the annual ASAH “Educator of the Year” Awards. This prestigious statewide program, sponsored by ASAH, honors exceptional educators, teaching assistants, and related service providers who serve students with special needs across New Jersey. Earlier this year, Dr. Julia Bean, DPT, was celebrated […]

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Thank you for your amazing school and for everyone who has showered my daughter with love, encouragement and support. I’m full of emotions but mostly, I’m just full of gratitude…

Rebecca, Molly’s Mom

“Are we doing enough for our child? This is the question that we were constantly asking ourselves. After registering our son for the Early Enrichment Program at CTC Academy, we knew the answer was YES! The program has made us see that our son’s potential is limitless and the attention and feedback of CTC Academy staff makes us feel like our son’s “team” is complete and that he’s on his way!”

Denise & Tim, Jude’s Parents

“When we walked through the front door of CTC Academy, we knew we found what we had been looking for and that it had everything we wanted for Joseph and our family. The outreach to families is great and one of the programs that I really enjoy is the “Mom’s Time Out” which meets about once a month.

I remember my first night, I really didn’t know what to expect.

I joined the ladies for the chat part of the yoga night and I was a bit nervous but by the end of the night, I felt relief — I didn’t feel alone. I also left feeling really happy to be with a great group of women, now a group I call “friends,” all just doing the best they can for their children.”

Carmel, Joseph’s Mom

“Anthony has been at CTC Academy for 9 years. CTC Academy is, for us, so much more than a school – it’s a way of life and a part of our family.”

Pam, Anthony’s Mom

More Testimonials

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act & Equal Employment Opportunity At CTC Academy

CTC Academy afrms that inequality is detrimental to our staff, our students, and the families we serve.

CTC Academy is committed to equal and bias-free student services and equal employment opportunities regardless of any protected characteristic, including race, color, genetic information, creed, national origin, religion, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, lawful alien status, ancestry, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, protected veteran status or political afliation and will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of a disability. We support an inclusive workplace where staff excel based on personal merit, qualications, experience, ability, and job performance.